Saturday, February 21, 2009


Now that I have a data plan and can access the net pretty much on the go, I`ve setup a Twitter account to try and see if I use it, so anyway for updates on what i`m doing should be able to be found at i`ve added a link on the left in my contact`s, i`ve given gmail as well as hotmail, i`ve had my hotmail account pretty much since hotmail was around{i.e before Microsoft bought it} and I don`t really see myself ever giving it up but i`ve now got the Gmail account so people can email me whilst i`m on the go on my new Android phone, have you checked it out yet Al? That reminds me, you blogging yet Al? I`d be very interested in what you have to say on a Blog.

Oh and Kirsty Hugs should be free. But as a Birthday present any photo`s of Misty would be appreciated. {I miss my Kitty:~( }. The grand plan is a tattoo of him on my left arm so any of him up close and looking at the camera would be awesome. Thanks all. Bye.

1 comment:

ballinaboy said...

so how do we contact you on Gmail? what is your address on your android