Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day off 3

Ok, so I am on my third day off, technically my first day off is spent sleeping so it doesn`t really count.

I just bummed around mos t of the day, went down to riverside plaza and had a wander round, cause I usually just hide in the house all day if Adele isn`t here to make me leave, could be me just not liking crowds of people, but I should try to get out of here more often. Anyway, went down had a browse around, bought 2 yeast donuts from Donut king for Dessert tonight(1 Pink and 1 Chocolate) cause I been hassling Adele for a pink yeast donut at about 11 o'clock at night for I dont know how long, and I got some Bakers Delight bread cause Adele like`s it. Then came back home.

Currently doing today`s downloads : NCIS, The Mentalist and Fringe. Already watched Chuck and Heroes yesterday. Hope to watch them tonight with the wifey poo`s.

So, finally worked out who the hell Edward Cullen is from Kirsty`s Blog....Yes think i`ll give twilight a miss, I`ve heard good things about Tru Blood if you`re after Vampire`s but its a little more adult in theme`s.

So anyway, Have to do Adele`s Birthday shopping tomorrow(It`s on Saturday for those who forgot), being payday and all. Also thought whilst I`m out i`ll get some ingredients and make some savoury muffins in the mini-muffin trays.

Anyway that`s about it. Bye.


Kirsty said...

Edward Cullen is my boyfriend. That is all.

foxylady said...

No don't bag the Cullens until you have met them..they are pretty cool..and Edward is a wonderful vampire..really.
Pleased you finally got your yeast do-nut. I can't imagine how stressful it has been for Del..with you wanting one..